About Glen

Glen Engel-Cox headshot
Glen Engel-Cox (photo by Eva Coppinger)

Glen’s stories focus on the intersections of things: religion and science, art and commerce, fables and reality.

Glen grew up in Texas and has since lived and worked in California, Malaysia, Ohio, Saudi Arabia, and Washington (both state and District of Columbia), as well as traveling to 80 other countries. Glen’s stories have appeared in LatineLit, Triangulation, Utopia Science Fiction, Nature, Factor Four Magazine, SFS StoriesRiddled with Arrows; Today, Tomorrow, AlwaysAlternate Presidents; Empyreome Weekly Flash Fiction; and New Pathways. His novel, Darwin’s Daughter, and his collection of non-fiction, First Impressions: Dancing about Literature since 1986, are available on Amazon. Glen currently lives in Golden, Colorado with his wife and cat and writes full-time.




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“The Needle and the Damage Done” is now available in the latest Triangulation anthology.


upcoming Appearances

October 25-27: MileHiCon in Denver

January 24-26: COsine in Colorado Springs


Active memberships

Codex, Nebraska Writers Guild, Northern Colorado Writers Workshop, SFWA